Brand new design! Custom machined aluminum plugs needed to completely de-power a 1990-2005 Mazda Miata power steering rack. There are 4 different sizes but we machined them to only require a 17mm and a 10mm wrench or socket for installation. Most people will sell you the 2 basic plugs to partially de-power a steering rack. These two plugs eliminate the "looping of the line" which is what most people do. The primary reason for most people only selling you two plugs is because the rest are very difficult to find with 1 of the plugs needed not available anywhere.
Wanting to provide a complete kit, we ended up custom machining all of the plugs needed to completely de-power the rack by getting rid of all power steering lines.
By fully de-powering the rack we eliminate areas for leaks, reduce the weight on the nose of the car and simplify the number of components in the system leaving you with a truly manual style rack.
This kit consists of 6 plugs.
For those that do not know how or want to de-power thier own steering rack, we do offer this service.
Click Here to go to the service description.